Ligeti Ensemble: László Vidovszky's 75th birthday

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LÁSZLÓ VIDOVSZKY: Le piano et ses doubles

József Balog, László Borbély, Péter Kiss, Emese Mali, János Palojtay, Róza Radnóti  - piano
Amadinda Percussion Group
Ligeti Ensemble

Conductors: András Keller and Zoltán Rácz

“My motive was always the discovery of music and the recognition of musical phenomena. This world is far broader and more massive than what a single person is capable of exploring. If I attempt to avoid the danger of sponging off music, then I can only give myself over to the unknown.” This is how, 30 years ago, László Vidovszky expressed his ars poetica, and the composer now in his 75th year continues to create in the spirit of this statement. The programme offers a sample of his oeuvre from the past two decades. In the first part of the concert we hear Promenade from 2015, and the Orkesztrion series started in 2004 but finally completed at the urging of András Keller (the title of this latter work refers to the music machine that plays using a perforated roll or cylinder). After the late Cage percussion piece (1991), the concert ends with Le piano et ses doubles. The story of this work’s genesis spans two decades: originally, Vidovszky intended it for Zoltán Kocsis’s 40th birthday, but the composition for six pianos each detuned by one-twelfth from the other, was only finally ready in 2012, in time for the maestro’s 60th birthday.