This subscription series has traditionally been generous: with concerts, masterpieces and outstanding musicians. In the concerts of our Volumen pass, you can listen to Richard Strauss's Don Quixote with a solo by László Fenyő and Máté Szűcs, Gergely Bogányi plays Chopin's piano concerto in F minor, Barnabás Kelemen plays concertos by Mozart and Bach on his violin, and Gidon Kremer plays Philip Glass's double concerto with Giedrė Dirvanauskaitė. Our audience can be a part of our celebratory concert organized for the 340th anniversary of Bach's birth, in which Dénes Várjon and Arvid Engegård will also participate, and they can listen to Tóbiás Haydn's oratorio The Homecoming of Tóbiás performed by the Purcell Choir and Concerto Budapest, conducted by György Vashegyi.

Festival of Hungarian Gems Closing concert - DUBROVAY / EÖTVÖS / KODÁLY / LISZT // Balázs / Kiss Gy. / Szalai / Keller

season ticketsÁ la carte, Volumes

BARTÓK / SCHÖNBERG / BRAHMS // Aimard / Kaczander / Klenyán / Keller Quartet

season ticketsÁ la carte, Volumes

BACH 340 // Engegård / Kaczander / Szilágyi / Várjon

season ticketsSignatures, Volumes

BARBER / GLASS / SCHUBERT / BEETHOVEN // Kremer / Dirvanauskaité / Keller

season ticketsÁ la carte, Volumes

HAYDN // Purcell Choir / Vashegyi

season ticketsÁ la carte, Volumes