Concerto Color

27 May 2016 - 19.30

Zarándy Ákos: Concerto Classico for Clarinet, Trumpet and Orchestra - premiere
Ligeti György: Ramification (for string orchestra)
--- intermission ---
R. Strauss: Symphony for Wind Instruments

Conductor: Zoltán Rácz

Through the abstract motifs of Zarándy and the rhythmical fluidity of Ligeti, part 3 of the Concerto Color series reveals the most virtuoso techniques of atonality. Ákos Zarándy is one of Hungary’s most dynamic and original contemporary composers. This recital allows the audience to be the first to hear his work Concerto Classico for Clarinet, Trumpet and Orchestra; in it, rarely (or never) paired compositional attitudes strain against each other. The Postmodern stream of gags gyres into pulsating macro-rhythms in Ligeti’s work. By omitting traditional tonality, the composers set themselves totally new types of objectives; overstepping the mediation of classical feelings and values, they wish to work their way into the deepest recesses of mind and soul, into the depths of intellectualism, with remarkable musical sounds and amorphous textures. Following these thought-provoking works that raise a host of issues, the optimistic Symphony for Wind Instruments of Richard Strauss performed at the end of the programme brings uplifting peace of mind. Conductor: Zoltán Rácz.