Anthony Marwood will hold a free public masterclass in December as part of the Concerto Master Class programme.
Start and end times of the masterclass:
6 December 2024, between 5.00 pm- 7 pm
1094 Budapest, Páva u. 10–12.
Language of instruction: English
Registration is requered.
To register, send an email to til 4 December, 10.00 am. The orchestra accepts registrations on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability.

Anthony Marwood is coming to Concerto Budapest in December to perform a concert and hold a masterclass that will be free for the music-loving public to attend, as it is for the participants.
It is always a special cause for celebration for audiences to get the chance to welcome Anthony Marwood, whenever he takes the stage, which he will do at the MÜPA on 7 December as a guest of Concerto Budapest and András Keller.
Before the concerts, between 5.00 pm and 7 pm on 6 December and as part of the Concerto Master Class programme, the artist will hold a free, English-language master class for violin students at Concerto Budapest’s Páva Street headquarters.
Conceived and launched by András Keller, the Concerto Master Class is a series of free university programmes constituting a necessary and useful practical supplement to academic education for future and practicing musicians. The programme is open not only to visitors from within the profession, but also to any music lovers interested in attending. Admission is free of charge but subject to advance registration and the limited number of available seats.
Start and end times of the masterclass:
6 December 2024, between 5.00 pm- 7 pm
1094 Budapest, Páva u. 10–12.
Language of instruction: English
Registration is requered.
To register, send an email to . The orchestra accepts registrations on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability.