Concerto Summer Nights 2017

Come and feel the music of Mozart in a live performance under the summer night sky with Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra at a magical venue in the heart of Budapest!
Open-air classical concerts in the Courtyard of Pest County Hall.

ATTENTION! Due to cloudy weather, the venue has changed! 
Belvárosi Plébániatemplom (Downtown Parish Church) , Budapest, V. kerület, Március 15. square
Start: 8.30 pm

Mozart: Sinfonia concertante in E-flat major, K.297b
Soloists: Gerda Rózsa, Csaba Klenyán, Zsófia Stefán, Bálint Tóth 
Mozart: Symphony No.41 in C major, K.551 - Jupiter

Vezényel: Keller András

Venue: Pesti County Hall (1052 Budapest, Városház utca 7.)
Ticket price: HUF 3500, seating is on a first come first served basis. In case of rain, the concert starts at 8.30 pm, at Belvárosi Plébániatemplom (Downtown Parish Church) , Budapest, V. kerület, Március 15. square .

Mozart’s position on the concert repertoire has been assured for centuries, although his sparklingly brilliant oeuvre is, if possible, even more essential when it comes to compiling summer open-air concert programmes. The second Pest County Hall concert by Concerto Budapest places the spotlight on Mozart with performances of the Sinfonia concertante in E-flat major (1778), in which the highlighted instruments are the clarinet, oboe, horn and bassoon, and the hugely popular Symphony in C major (1788), later given the nickname ‘Jupiter’. Soloists of the former composition are permanent members, principal instrumentalists of Concerto Budapest. Fans of the orchestra, not to mention the wider concert-going public, are familiar with Gerda Rózsa on oboe, Zsófia Stefán on bassoon, Csaba Klenyán on clarinet and Bálint Tóth on horn. Liszt Prize laureate Csaba Klenyán is a particularly recognized figure since he also regularly performs as a chamber musician so that we have had plenty of opportunities of meeting this artist boasting a discography ranging from the Baroque to contemporary music works. For instance, he has played in chamber music concerts at which tonight’s conductor, András Keller, was his partner.