Programme for Kids: Soundtrap 2. POSTPONED!!!

The concert has been postponed due to an unspecified illness. New date: 7th January 2024, 11AM.

In the Starlight – Advent concert
Little Golden Strings

Gabriella Mesterházy – narrator

Yvette Mondok operasinger

in co-operation with the musicians of Concerto Budapest: Kakutani Satoko violin, Ágnes Apró viola, János Aranyos cello, Eszter Karasszon cello,  Ákos Takács celloOrsolya Kaczander flute

Hostess and pianist: Izabella Simon
Illustration by: Várjon Liána


Our Soundtrap Series is devoted to primary school children of 8 to 12 years who are happy to undertake a discovery trip in the world of music. Still, of course, their parents, guardians or younger siblings will also have lots of fun at the series' concerts. The pianist, Izabella Simon, also acting as editor and host, builds each of the three shows around a separate storyline.