19/03/2016 and 20/03/2016 19:30 pm
Messiaen: Three Small Liturgies of the Divine Presence
Haydn: The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour On the Cross – original version
Featuring: Pro Musica Leánykar (Chorus master: Dénes Szabó), Fülöp Ránki (piano), Bruno Perrault (ondes martenot)
Conductor: András Keller

Trois petites liturgies was composed during WWII, between November 15, 1943, and March 15, 1944. Messiaen originally conceived the piece as a work for two pianos, as he had achieved success in that format previously with Visions de l'amen. The sung words evoke the presence of God in himself and in all things, as indicated by the title. According to Messiaen, each movement describes a different facet of God's presence. The first section is dedicated to the God who is present within us; the second section is dedicated to the God who is present in Himself; and the third section is inscribed to the God who is present in all things.
„Some fifteen years ago I was requested by a canon of Cádiz to compose instrumental music on the Seven Last Words of Our Savior On the Cross” – explains Haydn the origin of his work. The seven main meditative sections—labelled "sonatas" and all slow—are framed by an Introduction and a speedy "Earthquake" conclusion, for a total of nine movements. On the 19th of March the orchestral version can be heard under the baton of András Keller and played by Concerto Budapest orchestra.
The composer adapted the orchestral work in 1787 for string quartet –on the 20th March the quartet version will be performed by Keller Quartet.